FEED your soul and spirit daily! Without the word of God, your life will starve. If you ever feel empty, open your Bible and supply your life with His promises.
OBSERVE the word of God by making it a significant part of your day and entire life. Luke 11:28 says "blessed, happy and favored by God are those who hear the word of God and continually observe it."
CULTIVATE your life with the Word of God. Growth is inevitable when you read and study the Bible. It will equip and develop you like ONLY God can.
UNDERSTAND that the WORD of God, both His spoken and written word is the foundation of our identity and purpose. If we ever attempt to live without it, then we will only exist in a false reality.
STAND on God's unfailing word. Even if you fail or fall, find scriptures pertaining to your situation and allow it to empower you. When you focus on God's word, the weaker you get, the stronger you become. It will literally fuel your soul and equip you to stand in even the most impossible situations.
Strong's Concordance - index of every word in the King James Version of the Bible. Used to locate scriptures where a certain word is used. Allows you to compare how the same word is used within other scriptures in the Bible. It also provides the Hebrew or Greek original meaning of a word.
Bible Commentary - A written series of explanations and interpretations of scripture. This will usually analyze and break down scripture verse by verse.
Webster's Dictionary - A resource used to give the meaning and pronunciation of a word.